An Xclusive Inaugural Recap
Swag Surfn at the Inaugural Gala
History was made by Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes who became the first African American to hold the position in the State of Wisconsin. On January 7, 2019, Lt. Governor Barnes, Social X Advisory Council member/F.E.A.R. captain and Governor Tony Evers took their oath as the democratic duo leading Wisconsin into a new era of leadership. It will be the first time the state is led by democrats since January 3, 2011, formerly led by Governor Jim Doyle and Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton.
The dynamic duo later hosted an Inaugural Gala at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center with net proceeds from the event benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee. The venue was filled with 3,000 plus individuals that traveled from around the state in support of Evers/Barnes. Family members, friends, supporters, colleagues of the Evers/Barnes administration, and existing/newly appointed political figures brought an exciting energy to the building that exuded a resurgent sense of progress, similar to the momentum occurring in Milwaukee. It was an intergenerationally and racially diverse celebration, one that Wisconsin sorely needed. Attendees heard Lt. Governor Barnes give an astounding address and introduction for Governor Evers, who informed guests of what is to come in Wisconsin. Attendees enjoyed appetizers and desserts, beverages, and danced the night away once Evers and Barnes finished addressing the crowd. Of course, the gala could not end without a celebratory Swag Surf, led by the Lt. Governor himself, that seemingly further united all in attendance.
The Inaugural Gala was an unforgettably historical night to remember, one that those in attendance will likely tell their children and their children’s children about, and it was done in a dapper fashion, like the outfit adorned by Lt. Governor Barnes (A custom suede evening jacket with the newly released concord Air Jordan 11’s).
Cheers to the Evers/Barnes administration for bringing together the state and to Lt. Governor Barnes for doing it for the culture!
Written By Ranell Washington
Vice President, Social X MKE